Purchase a Telephonic Personal Appearance from your favorite celebrity and have them appear by phone at your next fund raiser, grand opening, nightclub promotional event, charity, convention, seminar, contest, wedding, or other event. Telephonic Personal Appearances are $300 for a 20 minute call and they can be scheduled at a day and time of your choosing. All Telephonic Personal Appearances must be scheduled at least 14 days in advance.

Select A Celebrity
Select The Type Of Event You'd Like The Celebrity To Make A Telephonic Personal Appearance At
Enter A Brief Description Of Your Event
Select the day and time of your scheduled phone call   [YOUR EVENT MUST BE SCHEDULED AT LEAST 14 DAYS IN ADVANCE]
Enter Your Name
Enter Your Phone Number
Enter The Phone Number That The Celebrity Should Call On The Day Of The Event
Enter Your Company Name
Enter Your Email Address
I Agree To Consent To The Rules And Stipulations Outlined In The Terms Of Service And The FAQ YES   NO

Telephonic Personal Appearance orders require a $300 deposit. If the celebrity you requested is available at the date and time you requested than your order will automatically be confirmed. If the celebrity is not available at your requested time then you'll have the option of receiving a full refund or requesting another celebrity or time. You'll receive a confirmation email within 5 business days.

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